Withdrawal Policy


The Qualitative Research Journal for Social Studies (QRJSS) is committed to providing a fair and transparent review process for all submitted manuscripts. We understand that circumstances may arise where authors need to withdraw their manuscript before or during the review process. This policy outlines the procedures for withdrawing a manuscript from QRJSS.

2. Before Peer Review Begins

Authors may withdraw their manuscript at any time before peer review begins without penalty. To withdraw, authors should send a written notification to the journal editor via email, stating their reason for withdrawal and the manuscript title and identification number. Upon receiving the notification, the editor will remove the manuscript from the review system and inform the authors of the withdrawal.

3. After Peer Review Begins but Before Editorial Decision

Authors may withdraw their manuscript after peer review begins but before a final editorial decision is made. However, in this case, authors may be required to provide a brief explanation for their withdrawal. The editor will consider the explanation and may, at their discretion, request additional information from the authors or the reviewers. Ultimately, the editor will decide whether to allow the withdrawal based on the specific circumstances.

4. After Editorial Decision

Once a final editorial decision (accept, reject, or revise and resubmit) has been made, authors cannot withdraw their manuscript. If authors choose not to proceed with the publication process after an editorial decision, they must still inform the editor of their decision.

5. Consequences of Withdrawal

Withdrawal of a manuscript before peer review begins will have no impact on the authors' ability to submit future manuscripts to QRJSS. However, withdrawal after peer review begins but before a final decision may be considered negatively in future submissions, especially if the reason for withdrawal is not compelling.