Aims and Objectives


The Quantitative Research Journal of Social Sciences (QRJSS) is dedicated to promoting and disseminating high-quality quantitative research in the field of social sciences. QRJSS aims to provide a platform for researchers to publish rigorous empirical studies, methodological advancements, and theoretical developments that utilize quantitative methods to address social phenomena. The journal seeks to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitate evidence-based decision-making, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the social sciences through quantitative analysis. By promoting quantitative research methodologies and best practices, QRJSS aims to enhance the quality, credibility, and impact of research in social sciences disciplines.

QRJSS welcomes original research articles, methodological papers, review articles, and meta-analyses that employ quantitative research methods to investigate a wide range of topics within the social sciences. The scope of QRJSS includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

1. **Sociology:** Quantitative studies on social structures, social institutions, social stratification, social mobility, social networks, and social change.
2. **Psychology:** Quantitative research on human behavior, cognition, emotion, personality, psychological disorders, and mental health outcomes.
3. **Economics:** Quantitative analyses of economic behavior, markets, economic development, labor markets, income distribution, and economic policy.
4. **Political Science:** Quantitative research on political behavior, voting behavior, public opinion, political institutions, political economy, and electoral systems.
5. **Education:** Quantitative studies on educational attainment, academic achievement, school effectiveness, educational inequalities, and educational policy.
6. **Health Sciences:** Quantitative research on health outcomes, healthcare utilization, epidemiology, health disparities, and health policy.
7. **Communication Studies:** Quantitative analyses of media effects, audience behavior, communication campaigns, and social media analytics.
8. **Criminology:** Quantitative studies on crime rates, criminal justice systems, victimization, criminal behavior, and crime prevention strategies.
9. **Demography:** Quantitative research on population dynamics, fertility, mortality, migration, demographic transitions, and population aging.
10. **Environmental Studies:** Quantitative analyses of environmental attitudes, behaviors, conservation efforts, and environmental policy effectiveness.

QRJSS encourages submissions that demonstrate methodological rigor, statistical sophistication, and theoretical relevance. The journal welcomes studies employing a variety of quantitative techniques, including but not limited to, regression analysis, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, time series analysis, experimental designs, and data mining methods. QRJSS also encourages interdisciplinary research that integrates quantitative methods with qualitative approaches to provide comprehensive insights into complex social phenomena.